Bible Prophecy News

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What is Matthew 25 About?

Matthew 25 is about three things: The arrival of the fake Jesus, big wars and judgement of remaining nations based on who took the Mark.

Matthew 25 is slightly out of order because we will see big wars before the fake Jesus. The big wars are essentially the harvest of the tares. What does one harvest where one does not sow? One harvests tares which are weeds that look like wheat. The big wars will heavily affect the West. That is why America doesn't appear to be in Bible prophecy.

Most people don't want to hear that their life may be turned upside-down. Hence, any talk of a big war coming to America is ignored. Any Bible prophecy that hints at America's destruction is ignored. This is almost everyone in America. The parable of the talents suggests these people will have a less favorable outcome because they buried important information from the Bible and elsewhere.

Much of the West will be wiped out in big wars as punishment. It has been given the most but has rejected Christianity and moved to the religion of equality, aka Woke-ism. 

Not only do you have to navigate big wars but you also have to watch for the fake Jesus, aka false prophet. The fake Jesus comes as a Muslim spreading the message of Islam. Many Christians are fooled by this and think he is the real Jesus. Wise Christians tell them the truth but they won't listen. They take the Mark and become Muslims. Wise Christians are killed for refusing the Mark.

Note: The Mark is in the Bible in the original Greek. It looks something like this - XEc. It's just the name of Allah with two swords underneath. The Bible shows it turned to the side.

When the real Jesus returns the nations are judged. But this is real simple. Who took the Mark? If you took the Mark then you are in trouble. A lot of very good Christians took the Mark. But it doesn't matter because now they are Muslims.

There is no excuse for taking the Mark. If you can't understand that Islam is beneath Christianity by comparing Christian and Muslim countries then you have a problem.