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The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins (Matthew 25)

The parable of the wise and foolish virgins is about the arrival of the fake Jesus (false prophet) and the Mark.

You all know the Matthew 25 parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Here I wish to point out some problems.

1. There are no virgins (Christians) left waiting when Jesus arrives. The "Mark" had wiped them out earlier.

2. There is no decision to make when Jesus arrives. No oil issue. Nothing.

3. Is Jesus really going to reject Christians on his arrival?

The first issue affects almost every verse in the Bible about the arrival of Jesus: there are no Christians left at his arrival. How are Christians going to be watching for the arrival of Jesus when they are already wiped out by the Mark?

How are the virgins going to be slumbering when they are already dead?

Concerning the second issue, is there going to be any doubt by Christians about joining Jesus when he arrives? Of course not. Note how the foolish virgins want to join him a little later in the parable. What happened?

Why are the virgins only divided up into two groups? Why not more groups?

On the third issue, is Jesus really going to reject Christians? Seems too hard to believe.

The answers:

1. The fake Jesus (false prophet) precedes the arrival of the real one. This fake Jesus finds the virgins slumbering.

2. The virgins must make a big decision: take the Mark or die. 

3. The real Jesus, arriving shortly thereafter, rejects the virgins who took the Mark because they are no longer Christians.

Islamic prophecy talks about the arrival of the Mahdi (Islamic Antichrist) and Jesus (Islamic false prophet) in the last days. Apparently, the fake Jesus is Islamic and is able to fool a lot of Christians. Note that there will be a significant demonic presence here on Earth in order to help spread the message of Islam.

How is it possible that Christians could still be slumbering when the fake Jesus arrives? Big chunks of the planet have been wiped out. The Antichrist has arrived. Seems almost crazy that any Christian could still be slumbering.

Why are there only foolish and wise virgins? Is nobody in the middle?

There are only foolish and wise virgins because the decision they must make about the Mark is binary: take the Mark or die. If you take the Mark then you become a Muslim.

Note: A small number of Christians will avoid the Mark by hiding out in the wilderness in various places. So a small number of Christians will be waiting for Jesus when he arrives.


When the Bible talks about the return of Jesus it really means the following items:

1. Other events that precede his actual arrival: big wars and the fake Jesus.

2. It's these other events that will catch you off-guard, and you must watch out for.

You must watch for the danger of big wars, like threats of nuclear attack. Russia is threatening America right now (18-April-2022) concerning the Ukraine war. That's a hint. Position yourself to survive a nuclear war.